Management Discussion & Analysis
Report on The Board of Directors’ responsibilities for Financial Statements
The Board oversees and reviews corporate governance as well as establishes and maintains a proactive risk management system and internal control system to ensure that accounting records are accurate, complete and timely, and that the Company’s assets are properly safeguarded against fraud, operational irregularities and other risks. The Board has appointed an Audit Committee consisting of independent directors to be responsible for reviewing separated financial statement and consolidated financial statement, including evaluating the efficiency and the competence of internal control system and internal audit.
The Audit Committee’s views are reported in its report in the Company’s annual report. The Board is of the opinion that the Company’s internal control system and the internal audit can reasonably assure the creditability of the separated financial statement and consolidated financial statement of Khon Kaen Sugar Industry Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries for the year ended October 31, 2019, the statement of financial position, the operating results, and cash flows accurately according to generally accepted accounting principles.